Sunday, March 1, 2020

Some ways to do this are simple and have been around since the dawn of time. It's not arrogant to not follow the crowd. It's ok to hate everyone around you.

Image may contain: 1 person, text
Flip the coins, flip the cards, lessons for the poker players here and now, changes to the game in place. Dreams of a lifetime bigger than the mistakes of love and devotion, of a man and a woman, and the bumps in the road.

Changes and chances are tools of the trades of the world, used a lot of time in ways different for the people that act on deeds of kindness or deeds for a personal agenda.

Faces In The Crowds,Horse And Pony Shows, Dances In The Streets,Earth Angels, Rats To Roaches, Lions To Roar. Wishes,prayers, hope, senior lady, for senior man, out of rat races, year of the rats, out of the shadows of darkness. I am at, in the land of three times: charms, wits, graces, and craigslist, what are the odds, to find the one, gem to love, rocks to roll, pebbles on the sands of time, paths to cross.Why settle for less...
Image may contain: possible text that says 'Never say mean words out of anger. Your anger will pass. your mean words can scar a person for life. So use kind words or be silent.'
Love helping people. also have a sense of humor.We learn from each other with collaboration and communication with analyzing primary sources. "Quick.✈️IN TOWN ON BUSINESS 🌹-In case you need some ''awwww'' today, here is a little vid for you! 🐢🐱🐯🐨🐍🐼Jesus Wept, notes and songs, pages to go. Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please:Suicide - sexual! U take a walk, any liars in the house?Watch out, I'm trying' 2 get my shit together.

Rats to races, born in the year of the rat, birthday blues, getting older, better than dead, graves to you, graves to me, wishes on stars,head in the crowds,marching forward, out of the fives, into the sixs, views on life to change. Just to let you know, you were the first reply, that made sense to me. Not looking for a hook up, searching for a friend, with time to spare, for the road trips, weekends or not.Searching for a friend. Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please:Suicide - sexual! U take a walk, any liars in the house?Watch out, I'm trying' 2 get my shit together.

Dancing Happy GIF

 Changes and chances are tools of the trades of the world, used a lot of time in ways different for the people that act on deeds of kindness or deeds for a personal agenda.

Even though the society says that hate is not "progressive" and that it is "intolerant", it doesn't matter. Fuck everyone else. Let them all burn because, they will let you burn in the end too.
Image may contain: 1 person, text
Pictures in the dark, shots in the rain, tears to wash the sins away, glory dazes done, joys and pains, love and hate, horns on goats...🌴 🌊 🐾 😊Lots of hard knocks, lots of bumps in the road, trips on the road again.
Some ways to do this are simple and have been around since the dawn of time. It's not arrogant to not follow the crowd. It's ok to hate everyone around you.

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'My Drunk COUSIN I'll kill a MF over you Cuz Me: Cuz I know, chill out'

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